My personal and professional life story is a series of transformations, bringing into the cocoon all that is.

About my professional and personal journey
My Story
The central question..
…for me has always been: How do I serve in the most meaningful way?
Empowerment and transformation through life’s challenges is the most powerful for me!
I completed my pre-med and medical studies at Emory University in Atlanta, GA and Family Medicine residency at St. Francis Hospital in Wilmington, DE and have shifted my focus from board certification in Family Medicine to board certification in Integrative Medicine.
My multi-cultural background cultivated my intrigue with varying perspectives, connecting and bridging them. Volunteering and studying in many countries, including Brazil with the American Leprosy Missions deepened my understanding of humanity.
In addition, my 12 years’ experience with home hospice and training with Elizabeth Kubler-Ross enhanced my appreciation for life, death and life-giving opportunities.

Taking family practice to the next level...
Private family practice was the best way for me to honor the whole person for nearly 30 years in Pennsylvania. I was privileged to care for 3 + generations as the trusted family doc who took her task seriously as a friend, a counselor, and advocate who engaged the specialists and brought the data together to serve in a wholesome customized way.

Personalized family medicine in Pennsylvania 1987-2014
The Center of Family Health in Pennsylvania. My beloved husband Wayne manifested his vision of an inspiring healing space with his labors of love.

The Center of Family Health was truly a family friend and a pioneer in health empowerment with an emphasis on education that creatively cultivated the natural healing resources within those we served. At its height, we had an interdisciplinary team of a psychotherapist, 2 nutritional consultants, acupuncturist, mindfulness trainer and physiatrist, integrated into the family practice that brought people from far and wide.
Taking Integrative Medicine to the next level...
I found that in order to optimally empower people in their health, I needed to find the root cause of the problem. My training in various paradigms of health, including Functional Medicine, Anthroposophical Medicine, Heilkunst Homeopathy, Energy Medicine took me to Europe, North America and the Caribbean. My intrigue with engaging the gift of illness to transform the challenges into stepping stones of health was nurtured as I found tools that facilitated this beautiful process that lies in each one of us!

The big auditorium of the Goetheanum. The "Grosser Saal" is used by the anthroposophical movement for acting and eurythmy. https://goo.gl/images/3SL86s
As the “lemonade doctor” I partner with those who are open to engaging with their pain and dis-ease as opportunities to create vibrant health of body and soul to restore wholeness. We comprehensively explore your medical issues, life story, and beyond—shedding light on the core issues that produced the” lemons” in the first place. My seasoned medical and holistic approach allows me to offer practical, effective and wholesome options for healing as you engage body, mind, and spirit to make life nourishingly sweet!

by Lori Dynan, photographer,
and Patricia Omoqui, the “Thought Doctor”
I cherish my marriage to my vital and amazing nonagenarian husband, Wayne who is on no medication. He transformed an old home into the beautiful healing space of the Center of Family Health in PA.
We have relocated to Asheville, North Carolina to create a new rhythm of health in a community that nourishes us in body, mind and spirit.
I strive to walk my talk in my personal life. I tend to the vibrance of my body, mind and spirit through dance, organic gardening, silence and creating music and art. I cherish connecting with nature and beauty in people as well as my environment. My spirituality is the core of my being, and I am grateful to cultivate this in my physical expression and articulation.

My personal and professional series of transformations...
My personal and professional life story is a series of transformations, bringing into the cocoon all that is. Then emerging with expanded perspective, ready to explore the landscapes full of possibilities, bringing renewed freedom and joy. It is a deep privilege to facilitate and witness the unleashing of this magnificence of life in others as we Awaken Chrysalis!